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Province of Davao Occidental Convenes for the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Coordinating Board


The Philippine Statistics Office - Davao Occidental, represented by Chief Statistical Specialist Jessie A. Madulin, Supervising Senior Specialist Munria L. Banto, Senior Statistical Specialist Rodon S. Tahil, and Statistical Specialist Kimberly M. Ocariza, in partnership with the province of Davao Occidental, convened for the Provincial Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Coordinating Board.
PSA Davao Occidental Conducted a Third Level Training on the 2023 National Information and Communications Technology Household Survey (NICTHS)


The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office conducted a four-day Third Level Training (3LT) for the 2023 National Information and Communications Technology Household Survey (NICTHS) on 29 January – 01 February 2024 at Training Room, 3rd Flr, Philippine Statistics Authority Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office, National Highway, Poblacion Malita, Davao Occidental.


The total volume of corn production in the province recorded an increase of 10.34 percent estimated at 10,313.30 metric tons for third quarter 2023 from 9,346.94 metric tons in the same quarter in the year 2022 as shown in Table 1. Furthermore, area harvested for corn production in third quarter also recorded an increase of 4.03 percent estimated at 6,606.08 hectares as compared to last year’s 6,350.00 hectares.
Municipality of Don Marcelino Convenes for the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Coordinating Board


Philippine Statistics Office - Davao Occidental, represented by Senior Statistical Specialist Rodon Tahil, Statistical Specialist Kimberly Ocariza, and Statistical Analyst Karen Rozyll Abaro, in collaboration with representatives from the municipality of Don Marcelino, convenes for the Municipal Community-Based Monitoring (CBMS) Coordinating Board.
Municipality of Jose Abad Santos Convenes for the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) Coordinating Board


Philippine Statistics Office - Davao Occidental, represented by Senior Statistical Specialist Rodon Tahil, Statistical Specialist Kimberly Ocariza, and Statistical Analyst Karen Rozyll Abaro, in collaboration with the the municipality of Jose Abad Santos, convenes for the Municipal Community-Based Monitoring (CBMS) Coordinating Board.
PSA Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office Conducts the January 2024 Labor Force Survey and 2023 Family Income and Expenditure Survey – Visit 2 in the Province of Davao Occidental


The Philippine Statistics Authority – Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office started the field enumeration of the January 2024 Labor Force Survey (LFS) and 2023 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES)-Visit 2 in the province of Davao Occidental on 10 January 2024.
Summary lnflation Report of Davao Occidental Consumer Price Index (2018=100) December 2023


The Davao Occidental headline inflation increased to 5.1 percent in December 2023 from 4.5 percent in November 2023. The provincial average inflation from January to December 2023 stood at 5.5 percent. In December 2022, the inflation rate was higher at 9.2 percent.


The total inventory of swine in the province is estimated at 34,969 heads or 34.42 percent increase as of 01 July 2023 compared to 26,015 heads as of 01 July 2022.
Highlights of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Electronic Philippine Identification (ePhilID), PhilID and other services in the province of Davao Occidental in the 2nd Half of year 2023


As of December 2023, PSA Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office successfully issued a total of 37,174 ePhilIDs to the residents of the province, composed of 690 online issuances for Mode 1 and 36,484 deliveries for Mode 2. Deliveries of ePhilID have been conducted in batches which depend on the available uploaded ePhilIDs for the province.
Highlights of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) Step 2 Registration in the province of Davao Occidental in year 2023


The PSA Davao Occidental Provincial Statistical Office had registered 16,258 individuals in the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) for the whole year of 2023.