The two-day data festival is for students and early-career professionals interested in statistics, data science and data analytics. It will feature various presentations on the Role of Data in Local and National Evidence- based Policy Making, Current Trends on Big Data and Data Analytics, Macroeconomy and Finance, Gender, Poverty, and Population among others. There will also be games (Vest in Stat, and Stats & Ladders), and contests (Infographics Making Contest and StatTiktok).
This will be conducted in connection with PSA's commitment in generating quality statistics and promoting a responsive and relevant statistical system capable of providing and communicating timely, accurate and useful data for the government and the public.
Specifically, the festival will:
- instill appreciation and enhance statistical literacy on official statistics among students;
- enjoin the academe in the advocacy of statistics;
- strengthen partnerships and foster collaboration with other government offices, civil society organizations, and the private sector; and
- promote proper interpretation and use of official statistics among media practitioners.