PSA RSSO XI Organizational Structure
PSA RSSO XI Organizational Structure

Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD) Functional Descriptions
- It shall be responsible for the statistical, technical and ICT operations as well as coordination of the different activities of the RSSO/PO.
- It shall be responsible for all statistical coordination and development activities in the region;
- Plans, implements and coordinates statistical activities for the development of the sub -national statistical system,
- Formulates, implements and monitors statistical policies and programs at the sub-national level.
- Plans, implements and coordinates statistical activities for the development of the sub -national statistical system,
- Adopts and implements statistical coordination mechanisms, statistical standards and classification systems at the sub-national level.
- Provides technical assistance or statistical services to local statistical coordination committees, interagency committees, local line agencies, and the academe.
- Prepares, produces and disseminates local statistical publications like the Regional Social and Economic Trends, Statistical Handbook on Women and Men as well as local statistics on poverty, economic accounts and other local-level statistics;
- Reviews and assesses statistical methodologies used in the generation and dissemination of local level statistics.
- Manages and maintains the PSA Statistical Information Center, including the website, at Regional Level.
- Compiles, maintains and updates database on statistical data in the sub national level.
- Recommends measures to develop/strengthen the capability of local government units (LGUs), local line agencies in the production, analysis, utilization and dissemination of local data for local development planning and project/program monitoring.
Civil Registration and Administrative Support Division (CRASD) Functional Descriptions
- It shall be responsible for the civil registration and vital statistics data and services and coordinating activities in the region.
- It shall be responsible in the operation of CRS outlets in the region, including customer services and other civil registration concerns.
- It shall be responsible for the general administration, financial services, human resource management, human resource development and procurement activities of the RSSO/PO.