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National ID Registration in Davao Occidental reached a total of 286,444 individual

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) National Identification System (NIDS) successfully registered 11,024 individuals in the Province of Davao Occidental in the 2nd half of the year 2024. (Table 1)

Ninety percent (90%) of the total population of the province or 286,444 individuals had been registered in the NIDS based on the results of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing of 317,159 individuals.

Among the municipalities, Malita had the highest registration with 94.58 percent of completion, followed by Santa Maria with 91.62 percent, Jose Abad Santos with 88.78 percent, Don Marcelino with 84.87 percent and the municipality of Sarangani with 80.61 percent. (Table 1)

4,800 children aged 0-4 years old registered in National ID in the 2nd Half of year 2024 

In second half of 2024, the National ID Team in the province of Davao Occidental strengthen its focus on the registration of infants and children as they made notable progress, achieving a total of 4,800 registrations (Table 2). This achievement highlights the concerted efforts made to reach the youngest population, ensuring that more families in the province can benefit from the security and opportunities tied to official identity registration.

The focus on children in this age group also reflects a long-term strategy to build a comprehensive national identification system that includes all Filipinos from an early age 

Municipality of Malita has the highest number of National ID registrants in the 2nd half of 2024

The Municipality of Malita contributed the largest share in the number of registrants which reached 47.1 percent of the total number of registrations in the province for the period July to December 2024. Municipality of Jose Abad Santos with 21.9 percent, Don Marcelino 12 percent, Santa Maria with 11.3 percent and Sarangani with 7.8 percent. (Table 3)

120 individuals availed the Correction/Updating of Entries in demographic information

The correction of entry process began on June 24, marking the start of efforts to address discrepancies and update the information in the National ID. Since then, the National Identification Team has been actively working to ensure accuracy, successfully assisted 120 individuals in correcting the errors found in their National ID

PSA Davao Occidental successfully issued 2,385 National ID printed in paper in 2024

The National ID Registration team has achieved a significant milestone by successfully issuing 2,385 National ID printed on paper (Table 4), marking an important step in making national identification accessible to a larger population. The paper version of the National ID serves the same purpose as the plastic version, offering citizens a reliable means of identification for various services such as voting, opening bank accounts, accessing healthcare, and conducting official business with government agencies. It is important to note that the paper National ID holds the same legal validity as the plastic version, ensuring that citizens can use it for all official functions without any difference.

A total of 189,846 National ID Cards and 116,786 National ID in Paper were delivered in Davao Occidental

As of December 2024, a total of 189,846 National ID Cards and 116,786 National ID in Paper form were issued in the province of Davao Occidental (Table 5). The National ID system strengthens the government’s ability to provide better public services, enhance security, and streamline processes for citizens. This advancement brings convenience and inclusivity, as it allows the residents of Davao Occidental to fully participate in a modern, digital society while improving their access to legal rights and opportunities.

Republic Act No. 11055, or the Philippine Identification System Act, signed into law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on August 06, 2018, aims to establish a single national identification system for all citizens and resident aliens of the Republic of the Philippines. The valid proof of identity provided by the PhilSys shall be a means of simplifying public and private transactions and shall be a social and economic platform that promotes seamless social service delivery and strengthens financial inclusion for both public and private services. As a foundational digital ID System, the PhilSys will transform how services are delivered in the Philippines, and accelerate our transition into a digital economy, including to enable presence-less, paperless, and cashless transactions.



Chief Statistical Specialist

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PDF SR-2025-007_NIDS Highlights.pdf 1.38 MB

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