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The month of February is celebrated in the Philippines as the Civil Registration Month, in line with this celebration Philippine Statistical Office – Davao Occidental headed by Chief Statistical Specialist Jessie A. Madulin initiated a Forum on Civil Registration at Davao Occidental General Hospital located at Barangay Lacaron, Malita, Davao Occidental on 27 February 2023. 

The forum was conducted by Chief Statistical Specialist Jessie A. Madulin himself. It was attended by 11 hospital staffs headed by their Chief of Clinics Dr. Alain O. Kintanar.


The presentation consists of 2 topics which CSS Jessie A. Madulin discussed, topic 1 was about the history and background of Civil registration. On the other hand, the second topic was about the different laws that affects the civil status of a person. The forum took a while compared to the other forum since there were questions raised especially by Dr. Kintanar in the middle of presentation based on what they have experienced in the hospital.

After the forum, the briefing on the use of Philippine Civil Registration Information System (PhilCris) follows. CSS Madulin discussed the proper filling-up of Municipal Form No. 102 or the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB), Municipal Form 103 or the Certificate of Death (COD) and Municipal Form 103a or the Certificate of Fetal Death. These Municipal Forms are the forms that will be prepared by the hospital and forwarded to the Local Civil Registry Office for registration. The installation of the PhilCris system followed immediately after the briefing of the hospital personnel who will use the system.

The PSA and the Davao Occidental General Hospital forged a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the utilization of PhilCris system developed by PSA. PhilCris is a software which enables encoding of relevant information from civil registry documents, storage of vital data, query and retrieval of encoded records, printing and issuance of certified copies of encoded civil registry documents, generation of transmittal files, data management and maintenance of the local civil registry database.


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