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Official Poverty Statistics of Davao del Norte: 

Full Year 2023



Date of Release


03 October 2024

Reference No.



Poverty Incidence among families in Davao del Norte was at 
7.3 percent in 2023

In 2023, the poverty incidence among families in Davao del Norte was computed at 7.3 percent. This suggests that 73 in every 1,000 families in Davao del Norte were considered poor, or have income below the poverty threshold, or the amount they have not sufficient to buy their needed minimum basic food and non-food goods.

It can also be observed in Figure 1 that poverty incidence among families in the province has been consistently lower compared to the figures of the Philippines and Davao Region for the years 2018, 2021, and 2023. 

Figure 2 above shows that the poverty incidence among the population of
Davao del Norte increased by 0.5 percentage points from 10.6 percent in 2021 to 11.1 percent in 2023.

On the other hand, subsistence incidence among families in Davao del Norte in 2023 was estimated at 1.8 percent – a decline of 0.2 percentage points from 2 percent in 2021. This means that 18 in every 1,000 families in Davao del Norte were food poor or do not have sufficient income to reach the food threshold or 
the amount needed to afford their minimum basic food needs.

The subsistence incidence among the population of Davao del Norte decreased by 0.1 percentage points and was recorded at 2.8 percent from 2.9 percent in 2021.

Figure 5 above shows the magnitude of poor and subsistence or food poor families in Davao del Norte. It can be observed that in 2023, there were approximately 19,000 families in the province that were considered poor, while 4,620 of them were 
in extreme poverty, whose incomes were not enough to reach the food threshold.

In 2023, an increase of 5.57 percent in the number of poor Dabaonons were observed and was estimated at 119,260 from 112,970 in 2021. Meanwhile, a decrease of -3.46 percent was observed in the number of food poor Dabaonons in 2023, which was recorded at 29,890.

In 2023, the average Poverty Threshold among families in Davao del Norte was recorded at PhP 13,035.93. This means that a family of five in Davao del Norte would need a monthly income of atleast PhP 13,035.93 to meet their basic food and non-food needs. Families with monthly incomes falling below this threshold are considered poor.

The average Food Threshold in 2023 among the families of Davao del Norte was estimated at PhP 9,166.71. This suggests that the minimum monthly income required for a family of five in Davao del Norte to meet their basic food needs in 2023 was PhP 9,166.71. Families with monthly income lower than the Food Threshold are considered subsistence poor or food poor.

Technical Notes

Food Threshold. The minimum income required to meet the basic food needs, satisfying the nutritional requirements set by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) to ensure that one remains economically and socially productive.

Poverty Threshold. The minimum income required to meet the basic food and non-food needs such as clothing, fuel, light and water, housing, rental of occupied dwelling units, transportation and communication, health and education expenses, non-durable furnishing, household operations and personal care and effects.

Poverty Incidence. The proportion of Filipino families or individuals with per capita income or expenditure less than the per capita poverty threshold to the total number of families or individuals.

Subsistence Incedence. The  proportion   of  Filipino  families or individuals whose incomes fall below the food threshold.

Approved for Release:


Chief Statistical Specialist