Registered Deaths Increase in Davao del Sur
The number of registered deaths in Davao del Sur since 2014 to 2023 showed an increasing trend from 3,663 persons in 2014 to 4,201 persons in 2020.
Noticeably, there was a spiking number of deaths in year 2021 (pandemic) with 6,256 persons. Then it dropped in 2022 at 4,903 persons and increased to 2023 at 5,080 persons.

City of Digos Registers with Most Number of Deaths
By city/municipality, the City of Digos accounted with the most number of deaths registered with 2,398 deaths or 47.2 percent of the total deaths. The municipality of Santa Cruz came after with 509 deaths or 10.0 percent and municipality of Bansalan with 395 deaths or 9.7 percent. Lowest number of deaths were reported in the municipalities of Sulop and Kiblawan at 71 deaths or 1.4 percent and 90 deaths or 1.8 percent, respectively.
In 2023, an average of 14 persons die daily in the province. In terms of by sex, about 59.1 percent of deaths (3,004 persons) registered were male as compared to only 40.9 percent deaths of female (2,076 persons). Meanwhile, the City of Digos has the highest number of male deaths registered with 1,401 records which was followed by municipalities of Bansalan and Santa Cruz with 314 deaths and 312 male deaths, respectively.

One Half of the Registered Deaths are on Married Status
In terms of deaths by civil status, about 50.5 percent or 2,565 of death persons were married. This was followed by 24.8 percent or 1,255 of deaths persons were single. Then, there were 24.6 percent or 1,248 deaths are already widowed.

Majority of Deaths are Senior Citizens
Out of the total deaths, about 80.9 percent (3,066 deaths) were persons aged 60 years old and over. There were around 1,726 persons (45.5 percent) who died at the age of 20 to 59 years old in Davao del Sur. Noticeably, about 4 percent (153 deaths) out of the total deaths were below one year old.

Majority of Deaths are not Medically Attended
Of the registered number of deaths in Davao del Sur in 2023, majority of the deaths (55.4 percent or 2,813 deaths) were not medically attended compared to the 44.6 percent (2,267 deaths) which were attended by any medical professionals.
Among medically attended deaths, hospital authorities have the highest percentage of deaths attended at 1,663 deaths ( 32.7 percent). This was followed by 325 deaths (6.4 percent) which were attended by private physician. And, there were 5.5 percent (279 death occurrences) which were medically attended by public health officer.

Most of Infant Deaths Recorded in City of Digos
The province of Davao del Sur recorded 138 cases of infant deaths in 2023. Most cases happened in Digos City with 98 infant deaths, and the least cases were in the municipalities of Magsaysay and Sulop which recorded a single case each of infant death.

Out of the 5,080 deaths in the province, the number of maternal deaths in Davao del Sur registered at 11 cases. Maternal deaths was recorded in the City of Digos with 10 cases, and single case in Bansalan in 2023.

Most Deaths are Timely Registered
In terms of registration status of death, 99.6 percent were timely registered, and the remaining 0.4 percent were late.

Technical Notes
• Data Source: Mortality statistics were based on Certificates of Death (Municipal Form No. 103) registered at City/Municipal Civil Registry Offices (LCROs) and forwarded to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).
• Coverage: The report includes deaths by place of occurrence in Davao del Sur, regardless of the usual residence of the deceased.
• Medical Attendance: Deaths are classified as medically attended (attended by a hospital, private physician, or public health officer) or not medically attended (no medical professional present at the time of death).
• Infant Mortality: Refers to deaths of infants below one year old.
• Maternal Mortality: Defined as the death of a woman during pregnancy or within 42 days of pregnancy termination, from causes related to pregnancy or its management, excluding accidental causes.
Approved for Release:
(Supervising Statistical Specialist)
Davao del Sur Provincial Statistical Office