The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) resumes its issuance of the National ID in Paper formerly known as electronic Philippine Identification (ePhilID) program in Davao de Oro province. This is a proactive strategy of the National ID in providing each individual a way to access the benefits of being National ID-registered. This National ID in Paper, despite being printed on a paper, serves as a digital copy of the National ID, mirroring the same functionality of the physical card.
In order to receive the National ID in Paper, the following must be accomplished:
✓ Complete the National ID Step 2 Registration by visiting any designated registration center operated by PSA. To ensure a seamless process, it is imperative to register only once, preventing double registration.
✓ Present the PSA Transaction Slip. After a successful registration to National ID, keep safe the transaction slip as this document contains the necessary information to generate the National ID in paper data. Additionally, the transaction number reflected in the slip will be used in monitoring the delivery of the physical card of the National ID by visiting https://tracking.phlpost.gov.ph/
In addition, individuals can now check the availability of their digital National ID through the National ID portal at https://national-id.gov.ph/ This provides an alternative way for registered individuals to access their National ID details securely and conveniently.
While waiting for the delivery of the National ID card, registered individuals can use the National ID in Paper and digital National ID to enjoy the streamlined services and access various benefits of being National ID-registered.
For more information on the real-time issuance of National ID in Paper and generation of digital National ID in Davao de Oro, please contact the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) & Civil Registration Section with telephone numbers (084) 817-0347 and email address davaodeoro@psa.gov.ph.