30th NSM
30th National Statistics Month

“Data Innovation: Key to a Better Nation”
Through the years, data plays a vital role in the day-to-day existence of people and organizations alike. Data, when processed, disseminated and utilized properly, becomes sound basis for effective decision- and policy-making. In coming up with solid and effective plans and decisions, the provision of reliable and timely data is essential which can further be guaranteed through data innovation.
“Data innovation refers to the use of new or non-traditional data sources and methods to gain a more nuanced understanding of development changes.” 1 Innovations such as on business intelligence (BI), analytics, visualization, data management, machine learning, internet of things (IoT), have shown vast potential for the overall improvement of the data ecosystem, particularly in the provision of better quality data. Given the huge and complex network of data producers, providers and users, the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) continually adopts new and innovative ways to meet the growing demands and challenges of an ever-expanding data ecosystem.
The data revolution involving big data and new technologies is advancing very fast which necessitates commensurate response from the PSS by way of gradually switching from traditional to new methods and models to accurately measure progress and produce useful and reliable data for planning. In response to the demands of the Philippine Development Plan and other national, sectoral and local development plans, as well as international commitments, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the Philippine Statistical Development Program 2018-2023 emphasizes the need for data innovation to generate quality statistics with relevant disaggregation from censuses, surveys, administrative data, and registers, among others.
Thus, the 30th National Statistics Month and the 14th National Convention on Statistics aptly adopt the theme, “Data Innovation: Key to a Better Nation.” The theme highlights the importance of innovating statistical systems, processes and technologies in coming up with quality statistics – statistics that will be used by data users, especially planners, policymakers and program implementers who are in the best position to shape the future of the country and of its people. With better policies and programs based on quality statistics that are produced through effective innovations, the Filipino people will be assured of the achievement of the country’s long-term vision of a simple and comfortable life for all.
1 UN Global Pulse