The Labor Force Survey (LFS) is a nationwide survey of households conducted regularly to gather data on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population. It is primarily geared towards the estimation of the levels of employment and unemployment in the country. It is conducted every first month of the quarter in selected areas in the Philippines.
More than 60 percent of the population 15 years old and over were in the labor force
Of the estimated 3.71 million population 15 years old and over of Davao Region in 2022, 2.32 million were in the labor force. This translates to a labor force participation rate (LFPR) of 62.3 percent. This is 4.8 and 1.4 percentage points higher compared to the LFPR of years 2020 and 2021, respectively. (Table 1a)
In year 2022, among the provinces and Highly Urbanized City in Davao Region, Davao del Sur reported the highest LFPR at 64.2 percent, followed by Davao del Norte at 63.3 percent. On the other hand, Davao de Oro has the lowest rate at 59.3 percent. Davao City, Davao Occidental and Davao Oriental recorded 63.1 percent, 62.9 percent and 62.3 percent, respectively. (Figure 1)
Davao Occidental registers the highest employment rate in 2022
About 96 percent of the working-age population who were economically active or those who belong to the labor force in Davao Region are employed in 2022. This is 5.2 percentage points lower than in 2020 and 0.8 percentage points higher than in 2021. Davao Region’s employment rate for 2022 is 1.4 percentage points higher than the national estimate with 94.6 percent. (Table 1a)
Davao Occidental with 98.1 percent and Davao del Sur with 96.7 percent recorded the highest employment rate in Davao Region for year 2022. On the contrary, Davao del Norte recorded the lowest employment rate with 94.9 percent in 2022.
Unemployment rate of Davao Region is at 4.0 percent
Davao Region posted an unemployment rate of 4.0 percent in year 2022, which is equivalent to 93 thousand 15 years old and over Davaoeños. This is significantly lower compared to 9.2 percent in 2020 and still lower compared to 4.8 percent in 2021. (Table 1a)
Davao del Norte has the highest unemployment rate in year 2022 at 5.1 percent, accounting 24 thousand individuals. This was followed by Davao City at 4.2 percent. The provinces of Davao Oriental, Davao de Oro, Davao del Sur and Davao Occidental recorded unemployment rate less than 4 percent in the same year. (Figure 3)
Davao Region’s Underemployment rate in the country is at 9.1 percent
Underemployed persons are employed persons who: expressed their desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have additional job, or to have a new job with longer hours of work. In year 2022, 9.1 percent of total employed Davaoeños reported to be underemployed. The underemployment rate for 2022 is lower by 3.9 percentage points than the underemployment rate posted in 2020 with 13.0 percent. In 2021, underemployment rate was 9.7 percent. (Table 1a)
Davao Occidental recorded the highest underemployment rate in year 2022 at 25.0 percent, followed by Davao Oriental (16.9%), Davao del Sur (9.6%), Davao del Norte (7.8%) and Davao de Oro (6.4%). On the other hand, Davao City has the lowest underemployment rate at 5.4 percent. (Figure 4)
LFS 2024