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One of the mandates of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is to administer civil registration functions in the country through the continuous efforts in intensifying the implementation of PhilSys Birth Registration Assistance Project (PBRAP). To facilitate this undertaking, PSA Davao de Oro, headed by Chief Statistical Specialist (CSS) Abraham Enrico E. Gulay, Jr., in partnership with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) through the local government units (LGUs) conducted series of mobile registrations for PBRAP.

As of 31 March this year, a total of 10,147 applications were submitted to the PSA Central Office for verification wherein 4,836 were already verified. Of these verified applications, 4,146 are with negative omnibus certifications, meaning these individuals have no existing Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) on records, while 690 have positive records or existing birth records already.   

Among the 11 municipalities, three municipalities managed to register significantly versus the targeted number of individuals without COLB in March 2023, namely, Montevista at 11.5 percent, Compostela 3.9 percent, and Monkayo at 3.2 percent.

During the Council of Civil Registrars of Compostela Valley (COCIRCOV) meeting conducted last 10 March 2023 with the Municipal Civil Registrars (MCRs) of Davao de Oro, CSS Gulay recognized the essential role of the MCRs together with their Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO) staff in stepping up the implementation of PBRAP by conducting mobile registrations in their localities with the Birth Registration Agents of the PSA.

This strategy helped increase the number of PBRAP registrations and ease the burden of applicants in going to their LCROs by bringing the registration to their respective barangays.

The implementation of PBRAP is primarily aimed at providing birth certificate to Filipinos as main supporting document in applying for the Philippine Identification System or National Identification (PhilID/National ID) card.



PSA Davao de Oro Steps Up PBRAP Implementation in Q1 2023

One of the mandates of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is to administer civil registration functions in the country through the continuous efforts in intensifying the implementation of…