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Palay: Volume of production decreases by -3.2 percent

The total palay production in Davao de Oro for October-December 2022, estimated at 40,007 metric tons, was lower than the 41,325 metric tons production in 2021.  This is a slight decrease of -3.2 percent or an equivalent of 1,318 metric tons of palay production, from the previous year’s level. The negative growth was attributed mainly to the decrease in the area harvested from irrigated palay. A movement of cropping pattern was observed wherein more farmers harvested in the third quarter due to early plantings/release of seed assistance from DA/LGUs. (Figure 1)



Palay: Area harvested declines by -0.7 percent

The total estimated area harvested of palay in Davao de Oro for October-December 2022 decreased by -0.7 percent from 8,821 hectares in 2021 to 8,759 hectares in 2022. The decrease was attributed mainly to the movement of cropping pattern observed in the province. (Figure 3)



Palay: Yield per hectare drops by -2.4 percent

The yield of palay per hectare in Davao de Oro decreased by -2.4 percent for October-December 2022 as compared to the same period in 2021. From 2021 record of 4.68 metric tons per hectare down to 4.57 metric tons per hectare in 2022. The decrease in yield was attributed to some palay areas in the province being affected by floods and the presence of rats. (Figure 5)

By type of ecosystem, the yield of irrigated palay posted a decrease of -2.7 percent from 4.91 metric tons per hectare in 2021 down to 4.78 metric tons per hectare in 2022. Similarly, the yield of rainfed palay also decreased by -0.6 percent.

Corn: Volume of production contracts by -10.1 percent

Corn production in Davao de Oro for October-December 2022 was recorded at 15,391 metric tons, a decrease of -10.1 percent compared to 17,126 metric tons of the same period in 2021. The decrease in production was attributed to less area planted due to insufficient amount of rainfall in the 3rd Quarter of 2022. (Figure 6)



Corn: Area harvested decreases by -3.8 percent

Corn harvested area in the province for October-December 2022 contracted by -3.8 percent or an equivalent of 384 hectares as compared to the same period in 2021. The decrease in the area was attributed to less plantings due to insufficient rainfall in the 3rd Quarter of 2022. (Figure 8)



Corn: Yield per hectare declines by -6.5 percent

Corn yield per hectare in the province declined by -6.5 percent for October-December 2022 as compared to the same period of 2021, from 1.69 metric tons per hectare to 1.58 metric tons per hectare in 2022. The decrease in yield was attributed to the effect of presence of rats in almost all municipalities (Figure 10).

By seed type, white corn and yellow corn decreased by 0.7 percent and 18.9 percent, respectively.


Technical Notes:

Palay Production Survey and Corn Production Survey (PPS and CPS) are some of the major agricultural surveys conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). These generate estimates and forecast on palay and corn production, area and yield, and other production-related data that serve as inputs for policy-making and programs on palay/rice and corn.

These are quarterly surveys that cover sample farming households in sample barangays in all provinces except Batanes. Data item gathered on this survey includes production, area planted/harvested and yield by ecosystem and seed type; usage of seeds, fertilizer and pesticides, source of irrigation water and adequacy, monthly distribution of production and area harvested, farm household disposition of production and area with standing crops.

Production refers to the quantity produced and actually harvested for the particular crop during the reference period. For palay and corn, harvest area refers to the actual area harvested during the reference quarter.

Area harvested refers to the actual area from which harvests are realized.

Yield is an indicator of productivity derived by dividing total production by the area harvested.



The total palay production in Davao de Oro for October-December 2022, estimated at 40,007 metric tons, was lower than the 41,325 metric tons production in 2021. This is a slight decrease of -3.2…