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Chicken Inventory increased by 31.5 percent in the province
The chicken inventory in the province of Davao Occidental posted at 430,512 birds as of July 1, 2024. This is 31.5 percent higher compared to same period of 2023 that is 327,396 heads (Table 1).

Semi-commercial farm recorded a significant increase of 4,551.2 percent among the other farm classification from 1,164 birds in 01 July 2023 to 54,140 birds in the same period of 2024. Meanwhile, smallhold farm posted the highest number of birds as of 01 July 2024 at 345,564 birds.

With regards to distribution by farm classification as of 01 July 2024, 80.3 percent of the total chicken inventory were raised by smallhold farms, while commercial and semi-commercial farms were at 7.2 percent and 12.6 percent respectively (Figure 2).

Native/Improved chicken top in inventory among chicken types in the province as of 01 July 2024 and 01 July 2023

Native/Improved chicken had the highest estimated number of birds among chicken types as of 01 July 2024 with 370,629 birds, broiler chicken follows this with 38,561 birds, and layer chicken with 8,408 birds. Meanwhile, as of 01 July 2023, native/improved chicken still has the highest inventory with 302,290 birds, broiler chicken with 17,972 birds, and layer chicken with 7,134 birds (Figure 3).


Technical Notes

Poultry – a collective term for all domesticated avian for the purpose of food consumption or, the carcass of such avian are processed for human consumption.
    Broiler – strains of foreign breeds of chicken, especially raised for meat purposes only.
    Layer – foreign strain chicken regardless of age, raised mainly for egg production.
    Native/Improved Chicken - a common backyard fowl that is a mixture of native breeds and foreign breeds which includes Banaba, Bolinao, Kabir, Bantam, Paraoakan, and Heritage Chicken such as Rhode Island Red (RIR), Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR), and Black Australorp (BA).

Animal Population (also Animal Inventory) – the actual number of animals  (in head/bird) present in the farm as of a specific reference date regardless of ownership.

Household – A person or group of persons who sleep under the same dwelling unit and usually have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food. The household members may not necessarily be related by ties of kinship, although they are usually relatives. In some instances, more than one household may occupy the same dwelling unit.

Establishment – an economic unit that engages under a single ownership or control, i.e., under a single legal entity; in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed physical location. Thus, stores, shops, factories, mining companies, electric plants, transport companies, radio stations, hotels, restaurants, banks, insurance companies, real estate development companies, and the like are considered establishments.

The following are the new farm classifications and definitions of chicken type based on the approved PSA Board Resolution No. 04, series of 2022:



Chief Statistical Specialist


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