The Philippine Statistics Authority is on the plan for applying QMS and ISO certification. As part of the PSA, the Provincial Statistical Office of Compostela Valley conducted seminar on 5S Practice on Good Housekeeping on March 30, 2017. The speaker for the seminar Ms. Lilia Silda, is a retired government personnel of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and currently a Senior Business Consultant of Silda Enterprise Development. It can be noted that DTI was already ISO certified. Ms. Lilia Silda introduced first the 5S; Sort, Sweep, Systematize, Sanitize, and Self- discipline. She stressed out that 5S is about organizing the workplace, however she also pointed out that 5S is just a foundation to bigger challenges, the QMS and ISO certifications. She emphasized that ISO is not an easy process. ISO cerification will take much time and effort as it needs teamwork, series of trainings, and documentation for every undertakings. However, one can be assured that practising 5S on good housekeeping may not only helps in preventing errors, eliminating wastes and preventing accidents of the workplace but also yields happy and productive workers.