Number of Establishment

The 2022 ASPBI results showed that there were 15,100 establishments in the formal sector of the economy in Davao Region. This number is higher by 1.6 percent than the 14,869 establishments recorded in 2021.
In 2020 during pandemic, the number of establishments was 11,696.

Services with 13,229 establishments in 2022 had the increase of 326 establishments or 2.5 percent annual growth from the 12,903 establishments reported in 2021.
On the other hand, Industry decreased to 1,566 establishments, which is lower by 187 establishments or negative 5.1 percent compared with the 1,650 establishments in 2021.
Agriculture posted a total of 305 establishments in 2022, indicating a decrease of 33 establishments from the 316 establishments in 2021 or an annual decrease of negative 3.5 percent.

By Employment Grouping, Micro establishments accounted for the highest share comprising 10,646 establishments or about 70.5 percent of the total number of establishments in 2022.
Small establishments had the second highest share of 4,084 establishments or 27.0 percent.
Large establishments came next with 196 establishments or 1.3 percent share, while Medium establishments reported the least with 174 establishments or 1.2 percent share.
Similar rankings in terms of number of establishments under Micro, Small, Medium, and Large employment grouping were observed in 2021 and 2020.
Total Employment

The total employment in 2022 rose to 282,425 workers, which translates to 7.0 percent increase from the 264,029 workers reported in 2021. In 2020, total employment is at 301,611 workers. The average number of workers per establishment in 2022 was 19.

Out of the reported total employment in 2022, the majority were paid employees, comprising 280,345 employees or 99.3 percent of the total, while the remaining 2,080 or 0.7 percent are unpaid workers.

Agriculture, with 44,178 workers in 2022 had the highest increase of 11,928 workers or 37.0 percent from the 32,250 workers in 2021.
Industry recorded a total of 47,100 workers in 2022 from 42,986 workers in 2021, translating an increase of 4,114 workers or 9.6% percent.
Similarly, Services increased to 191,147 workers in 2022 from 188,793 workers in 2021. This translates to an increase of 2,354 workers or 1.2 percent.

By Employment Grouping, Large establishments accounted for 43.2 percent of the total workers in 2022, that is 122,090 workers.
Small establishments had the second highest share of 92,603 workers or 32.8 percent in 2022.
Micro establishments came next with 42,897 workers or 15.2 percent share.
Medium establishments employed the least with 24,835 workers or 8.8 percent share to the total in 2022.
Similar rankings in terms of total employment under Micro, Small, Medium, and Large employment grouping were observed in 2021 and 2020.
Average Annual Compensation (Per Paid Employees)

The total compensation paid by establishments in 2022 amounted to 70.93 billion pesos.
The average annual compensation paid by the establishment was 253,013 pesos per paid employee. This is an increase of 14.7 percent from 220,544 pesos per paid employee in 2021.
In 2020, the average annual compensation was 229,589 pesos per paid employee.

Agriculture had an average annual compensation of 230,687 pesos per paid employee in 2022, which indicates an increase of 1,971 pesos or an annual growth of 0.9 percent from the average annual compensation of 228,716 pesos per paid employee in 2021.
Industry paid their employees an average annual compensation of 287,074 pesos in 2022 from the average annual compensation of 261,886 pesos in 2021, translating to an increase of 25,188 pesos or 9.6 percent.
Services also increased to 249,813 pesos or by 40,072 pesos or an annual growth of 19.1 percent from the 209,741 pesos average annual compensation in 2021.

By Employment Grouping, Small establishments accounted for the highest average annual compensation of 269,912 pesos per paid employee in 2022.
Medium establishments followed, paying an average annual compensation of 251,096 pesos.
Large establishments ranked third with an average annual compensation of 247,082 pesos, while Micro establishments paid the least with 234,273 pesos per paid employee in 2022.
Total Revenue

The total revenue generated by the establishments in 2022 amounted to 903.43 billion pesos, which indicates an increase of 32.6 percent from the 681.30 billion pesos total revenue generated in 2021.
Moreover, the revenue per expense ratio in 2022 stood at 1.15. This means that for every peso spent in the business operation in 2022, a corresponding revenue of 1.15 pesos was generated.

Services generated a total revenue of 504.31 billion pesos in 2022. This translates to an increase of 88.10 billion pesos or an annual growth of 21.2 percent from 416.20 billion pesos in 2021.
Industry, with total revenue of 323.31 billion pesos in 2022, was higher by 103.09 billion pesos from the 220.21 billion pesos total revenue generated in 2021.
Similarly, the total revenue for Agriculture increased to 78.80 billion pesos. This was higher by 30.92 billion pesos or an annual increase of 68.9 percent from the 44.88 billion pesos revenue generated in 2021.

By Employment Grouping, Small establishments accounted for the highest share to the total revenue in 2022 with 407.33 billion pesos or 45.1 percent.
Large establishments had the second highest share of 227.50 billion pesos or 25.2 percent.
Micro establishments came next with 135.30 billion pesos or 15.0 percent share.
Medium establishments generated the least revenue of 133.29 billion pesos or 14.8 percent share of the total revenue in 2022.
Similar rankings in terms of total revenue under Micro, Small, Medium, and Large employment grouping were observed in 2021 and 2020.
Total Expense

The total expense incurred by establishments in 2022 amounted to 786.36 billion pesos, this was higher by 27.5 percent from the 616.63 billion pesos total expense in 2021.
A turnaround from a negative 5.9 percent decrease from 2020 to 2021 and a negative 26.3 percent decrease between 2019 and 2020.

Services, with 453.22 billion pesos total expense, had the highest annual increase of 81.22 billion pesos in 2022. This translates to 21.8 percent increase in spending from the 371.99 pesos billion spent in 2021.
Industry, with 270.65 billion pesos total expense, had an increase of 66.30 billion pesos or annual growth of 42.9 percent from 204.29 billion pesos in 2021.
The total expense for Agriculture also increased to 62.49 billion pesos, higher by 22.20 billion pesos or an annual growth of 55.1 percent from the 40.29 billion pesos total expense in 2021.

By Employment Grouping, Small establishments spent the highest at 353.47 billion pesos or 45.0 percent of the total expense in 2022.
Large establishments incurred the second highest total expense of 190.21 billion pesos or 24.2 percent share.
Medium establishments followed with 121.96 billion pesos or 15.5 percent share.
Micro establishments spent the least with 120.71 billion pesos or 15.4 percent share.
Sales from E-commerce Transactions

Total sales from e-commerce transactions in 2022 were estimated at 1.21 billion pesos, a decrease of negative 52.00 percent from the 2.52 billion pesos e-commerce sales generated in 2021.
A decreasing trend can be observed in the total sales from e-commerce from 2020 to 2022.

By broad industry group, the Services sector generated 1.19 billion pesos sales from e-commerce transactions in 2022. This sector experienced a decrease of 1.32 billion pesos from the 2.52 billion pesos generated sales from e-commerce in 2021.
On the other hand, sales from e-commerce transactions for Industry increased to 18.63 million pesos, higher by 18.26 million pesos from the 363 thousand pesos e-commerce sales reported in 2021.

By Employment Grouping, Large establishments accounted for the highest share to the total sales from e-commerce transactions in 2022 with 859.70 million pesos or 71.0 percent.
Small establishments had the second highest share with 318.31 million pesos or 26.3 percent share.
Medium establishments had 22.65 million pesos or 1.9 percent of the total sales from e-commerce transactions.
Micro establishments generated the lowest e-commerce sales with 10.56 million pesos or 0.9 percent share to the total in 2022.
Note: 2022 ASPBI results are posted on the PSA website (
(Chief Statistical Specialist)
Regional Statistical Services Office 11
The Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI), one of the designated statistical activities of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), generates essential statistics for economic planning and analysis. It is specifically designed to collect and generate information on the levels, structure, performance, and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the country’s economy.
The 2022 ASPBI is the 50th in a series of annual surveys of establishments in the country. It was conducted nationwide in April 2023 with 2022 as reference period.
The conduct of the 2022 ASPBI is authorized under Republic Act No. 10625, known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, which mandates the PSA to collect, compile, analyze, and publish statistical information relating to the country’s economic condition.