Proportion of persons with unregistered births in Monkayo decreases to 5.5 percent
The 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) revealed that a total of 5,121 persons of the household population in 2020 had their births unregistered with the Local Civil Registry Office (LCRO) of Monkayo. This is equivalent to 5.5 percent of the 93,850 household population in 2020. (Figure 1)
Moreover, census results from 2015 to 2020 show a decreasing trend in the proportion of persons with unregistered births, from 7.3 percent to 5.5 percent in 2020. The 2020 figure is lower by 1.8 percentage points. (Figure 1)

Monkayo is highest in the proportion of persons with unregistered births
In 2020, Davao de Oro reported a 3.6 percent of the household population whose births were unregistered with the LCROs. At the municipal level, Monkayo posted the highest with 5.5 percent of the household population. This was followed by Mabini with 4.9 percent and New Bataan with 4.5 percent. (Figure 2)
Two other municipalities posted a proportion higher than the provincial level, namely, Laak and Mawab. (Figure 2)

On the other hand, Nabunturan posted the lowest proportion of persons with unregistered births (2.4%), followed by Pantukan (2.6%), Montevista (2.8%) and Maco (3.0%). (Figure 2)
Proportion of persons with unregistered births is highest in Babag; lowest in Olaycon
Among the 21 barangays, Babag posted the highest proportion of the household population whose births were reported to be unregistered at 11.4 percent, corresponding to 321 persons out of the 2,810 household population in the barangay. It was followed by Casoon with 10.7 percent (714 persons) and Upper Ulip with 7.7 percent (302 persons). (Table 1 and Figure 3)

Meanwhile, Olaycon recorded the lowest proportion of unregistered births at 1.6 percent, followed by Poblacion (2.8%) and Tubo-tubo (2.9%). (Table 1 and Figure 3)
More males than females have unregistered births
Among the 5,121 household population whose births were unregistered with the LCRO, 52.1 percent (2,666) were males, while 47.9 percent (2,455) were females. This translates to a sex ratio of 109 males whose births were unregistered with the LCRO for every 100 females whose births were also unregistered. (Figure 4)

At the barangay level, Babag which had the highest proportion whose births were unregistered with the LCRO also showed a higher percentage of males at 51.4 percent compared to females at 48.6 percent.
The oldest age groups post the highest proportions of unregistered births
Across age groups, the household population aged 80 years old and over had the highest proportion of unregistered births at 27.4 percent. The high proportion was also noted in the age groups 75-79 years (21.4%), followed by those in the age groups 70-74 years (18.0%), 65-69 years (15.1%), and 60-64 years (12.0%). In contrast, the lowest proportion was recorded in the age groups 20-24 years at 2.3 percent (Figure 5)

In addition, about 16.2 percent or 1,169 persons out of 7,196 aged 60 years and above were reported in the census to have unregistered births. This means that 16 in 100 senior citizens have unregistered births. (Figure 5)
Rizal posts the highest proportion of persons who never had a copy of their birth certificates
While 5.5 percent of the household population reported that their births were unregistered, about 7.9 percent reported that they never had a copy of their birth certificates. A total of 7,376 persons of the 93,850 household population were reported to never had a copy of their birth certificates. (Table 2 and Figure 6)

Among the 21 barangays, Rizal recorded the highest proportion of household population who never had a copy of their birth certificates, 14.1 percent or 287 persons. It was followed by Casoon (13.2%), Baylo (13.1%), and Awao (11.6%). (Table 2 and Figure 6)
Olaycon posted the lowest proportion of persons who never had a copy of their birth certificates at 2.3 percent, followed by San Isidro at 3.3 percent and Inambatan at 3.5 percent. (Table 2 and Figure 6)

The statistics presented in this Special Release were based on the answers and information provided by the respondent or any responsible member of the household to the questions on birth registration about all the household members. For the 2020 CPH, birth registration data of all household members were collected by asking the respondents, “Was ______’s birth registered with the Local Civil Registry Office?” and “Has _____ ever had a copy of his/her birth certificate?”