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It is the Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) quality policy to deliver efficient civil registration services to its clients. Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS) was conducted as a process whether clients are satisfied of the services they have received. Also, results can be used to initiate specific strategies to improve its services.
Highlights of the Results of the December 2018 Client Satisfaction Survey
  • The December 2018 Client Satisfaction Survey, conducted last December 17 - 21, 2018, posted a +85.5% satisfaction rate. Satisfaction rating is measured as the percentage of clients surveyed during the reference period who were either satisfied or very satisfied with PSA’s civil registry services.
  • A net satisfaction rate stood at +84.7%, where Net Satisfaction rating measures the difference between the proportion of satisfied and dissatisfied clients. (Figure 1 shows the comparative over-all satisfaction rate and net satisfaction rate: March, June September and December 2018
  • A total 54,715 transactions were processed by the Davao CRS Outlet, operating for 17 days, in December 2018. On the average, 3,219 transactions were processed per day.
  • There is no difference between sexes on their level of satisfaction.
  • Clients in the age group 40-49 were the most satisfied clients at 96.2% satisfaction rate.
  • Clients with some High School education were the least satisfied clients with a satisfaction rate of 79.8%.
  • Clients with work were more satisfied compared with clients who do not have work and clients from Davao City were more satisfied compared to clients living outside Davao City. Table 1 shows the Satisfaction Rate by Client’s Characteristics in December 2018.
  • Clients gave High satisfaction rate when asked if PSA provided enough chairs in the outlet (95.0%). It should be noted that it was one of lowest posted satisfaction rates in March 2018.
  • Marked improvement in the client satisfaction rate was observed in the provision of enough chairs (+11.4%) and clients feel comfortable when they are in the outlet (+10.9%) compared last quarter’s survey.
  • Understanding client’s needs and courteous employees posted below 80% satisfaction rate mark.
  • Decrease in the satisfaction rates were observed in the areas of courteous employees (-5.4%), knowledgeable employees (1.9%), and understanding client’s needs (1.8%). Table 2 shows the comparative satisfaction rates by Area of Concern from December, September, June and March 2018.

  • The survey also asked if clients knew of other venues where one can secure a copy of their civil registry documents. About 61% of the clients knew that there are other ways where one can secure a copy of their Civil Registry Documents.
  • Clients picked the internet (32.1%) or the Local Government Units (19.8%) as the alternative venues where they can request and secure their Civil Registry Documents.
  • Only 28% of the clients who knew other ways where one can secure a copy of their Civil Registry Documents have tried alternative venues where they can request and secure their Civil Registry Documents.
  • When asked why they did not use alternative venues where they can request and secure their Civil Registry Documents, 30% reported they do not know that there are alternative venues to request for Civil Registry Documents or do not know how to request Civil Registry documents other than PSA’s .
Client’s Profile
  • Female accounted for 63% of the total clients of the outlet
  • Majority of the clients belong to the 20-29 age group.
  • About Six of 10 clients or 57% reported to have at least college education
  • Half or 52% of the clients reported to have work.
  • Clients residing in Davao City comprised 56% of the clients of the outlet.

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