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(Based on the results of 2015 Census of Population)
Population of the City of Digos in 2015 is 169,393.
The population of City of Digos, as of August 1, 2015 was 169,393 based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015).
The 2015 population is higher by 19,502 compared with the population of 149,891 in 2010, and by 44,222 compared with the population of 125,171 in 2000. Refer to Table 1.
The population of City of Digos increased by 2.36 percent annually, on average during the period 2010 to 2015. By comparison, the rate at which the city’s population grew during the period 2000 to 2010 was lower at 1.82 percent. See Table 2.

If the current annual growth rate of the city continues, the city’s population was expected to double in 29.75 years.
Barangay Aplaya posted a population of 18,485 persons in 2015 and accounted for about 10.91% of the city’s population.
City of Digos has 26 barangays. Barangay Aplaya had the biggest population in 2015, followed by Barangay Zone 3 (Pob.) with 17,885, and Barangay Tres de Mayo with 16,595 persons. The combined population of these three barangays accounted for about 31.27% percent of the population in City of Digos in 2015. See Table 3.
Barangay Lungag was the smallest barangay in 2015, in terms of population size, with 370 persons. See Table 3.

Household population comprised 99.19 percent of the total population.
The household population of the City of Digos reached 168,016 persons in 2015. This is 18,836 higher than the 149,180 household population reported in 2010, and 43,523 more than the 124,493 household population posted in 2000.
The household population comprised 99.19 percent of the total population in the City of Digos, while the remaining 0.81 percent is comprised of the institutional population or those residing in collective or institutional living quarters such as hotels, hospitals, orphanages and home for the aged, corrective and penal institutions and military camps. Please refer to Table 4 and Figure 1.

Number of households increased by 6,332 from 35,218 in 2010 to 41,550 in 2015.
The total number of households in the city in 2015 was recorded at 41,550 higher by 6,332 compared with 35,218 in 2010 and by 15,244 compared with 26,306 in 2000. See Table 5 and Figure 2.
Average household size was 4.0 persons in 2015.
Average household size (AHS) in the City of Digos decreased from 4.2 persons in 2010 to 4.0 persons in 2015. In 2000, there were 4.73 persons, on average, per household.

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