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Males outnumber females in Laak by 6.0 percent

Based on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH), Davao de Oro had a household population of 766,299 persons. Of this total, 10.4 percent or 79,637 persons were comprised of the household population from the Municipality of Laak.

Of the 79,637 household population of Laak in 2020, 42,194 (53.0%) were males while 37,443 (47.0%) were females. By age group, 27,122 (34.1%) were under 15 years of age (young dependents) wherein there were more males (51.5%) than females (48.5%) among them. (Table 1 and Figure 1)

On the other hand, persons 15 to 64 years (working-age or economically-active population) totaled to 48,582 (61.0%) and still, males (53.9%) out-numbered the females (46.1%) by 7.8 percent. While those in age groups 65 years and over (old dependents) comprised the remaining 3,933 (4.9%) wherein there were more males (52.3%) than females (47.7%). (Table 1 and Figure 1)

In 2015, the total household population of Laak aged 0 to 14 years, 15 to 64 years, and 65 years and over accounted for 36.8, 58.8, and 4.4 percent, respectively. (Table 1 and Figure 1)

Sex ratio stands at 113 males per 100 females

The sex ratio in Laak was computed at 113 in 2020. This means that there were 113 males for every 100 females. (Figure 2)

In addition, children aged below 15 years had a sex ratio of 106 males per 100 females, while those aged 15 to 64 years had a sex ratio of 117 males per 100 females. Moreover, among those aged 65 years and over, the sex ratio was 110 males per 100 females. This depicts a longer life expectancy among males than females or higher mortality rate among females than males in the older age groups. (Figure 2)

Median age is at 23.2 years in 2020

In 2020, the median age in Laak was computed at 23.2 years, which means that half of the household population was younger than 23.2 years, while the other half is older than 23.2 years. (Figure 3) 

Dependency ratio declines to 64 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age group

The overall dependency ratio in Laak was computed at 64 which indicates that for every 100 working-age or economically-active population, there were about 64 dependents (56 young dependents and 8 old dependents). This is lower than the dependency ratio in 2015, which was recorded at 70 dependents per 100 working-age population (63 young dependents and 7 old dependents). (Table 2)

There are more males than females in children under five years old

Children below five years old has a contribution of 11.2 percent (8,944) out of the 79,637 total household population of Laak. The sex ratio of the same age group was computed at 108 males per 100 females. (Table 3)

About two in every five household population are of school age

In 2020, the school-age population (5 to 24 years old) accounted for 33,077 (41.5%) of the 79,637 household population. The school-age population of Laak recorded more males (52.0%) than females (48.0%) with sex ratio at 108 males for every 100 females. (Table 3 and Figure 4)

Youth accounts for less than a third of the household population

Youth or persons whose age ranges from 15 to 30 years totaled to 22,443 or about 28.2 percent of the household population in 2020. The youth in Laak recorded more males (53.0%) than females (47.0%) with sex ratio at 113 males for every 100 females. (Table 3)

About 59.5 percent of the household population is of voting age

The voting-age population (18 years old and over) accounted for 59.5 percent (47,351) of the household population in 2020. The voting-age population of Laak recorded more males (53.9%) than females (46.1%) with sex ratio at 117 males for every 100 females. (Table 3 and Figure 5)

Senior citizens constitute 8.1 percent of the household population

In the Philippines, people aged 60 years old and over are regarded as senior citizens. In Laak, senior citizens made up 8.1 percent (6,435) of the household population in 2020. There were more males (52.5%) than females (47.5%) among the senior citizens, in 2020. (Table 3 and Figure 6)

Less than half of the female population are in reproductive age

The population of women under the reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) totaled to 18,297 or 48.9 percent out of the 37,443 female household population in 2020. (Table 3 and Figure 7)

Aging index is at 23.7 percent in 2020

In Laak, the aging index or the proportion of persons aged 60 years and over per 100 persons under the age of 15 years was computed at 23.7 percent in 2020. This means that there is one person aged 60 years and over for every four children under 15 years old. (Table 3)


Technical Notes:

Household is a social unit consisting of person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Sex is the biological and physiological reality of being a male or female.

Age refers to the interval of time between the person’s date of birth and his/her last birthday prior to the census reference date. It is expressed in completed years or whole number.

Population pyramid is a bar chart, arranged vertically, that shows the distribution of a population by age and sex. By convention, the younger ages are at the bottom, with males on the left and females on the right.

Sex ratio is the number of males per one hundred females in a population.

Median age is the age that divides the population into two numerically equal groups; that is, half of the population are younger than this age and the other half are older.

Overall dependency ratio is the number of persons under 15 years old (young dependents) and persons aged 65 and older (old dependents) per one hundred persons 15 to 64 years old (working-age or economically-productive group) in a population.

Aging of population is a process in which the proportions of adults and elderly increase in a population, while the proportions of children and adolescents decrease. This process results in a rise in the median age of the population. Aging occurs when fertility rates decline while life expectancy remains constant or improves at the older ages.

Aging index is calculated as the number of persons 60 years old and over per one hundred persons under the age of 15 years.


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